7 March, 2009

Erti syukur

Posted in I ask Allah, Ijlis bina nu'min saah at 10:02 pm by ~ibn ismail~

Kita selalu minta pada Allah apa yg kita mahu…tapi Allah selalu kurniakan apa yg kita perlu…

dan sesungguhnya itulah yg terbaik…alhamdulillah

**saya sangat seronok hari ini**

16 February, 2009

Jangan sombong

Posted in Ijlis bina nu'min saah at 8:39 pm by ~ibn ismail~

لاَ يَدْخُلُ الْجَنَّةَ مَنْ كَانَ فِى قَلْبِهِ مِثْقَالُ ذَرَّةٍ مِنْ كِبْرٍ. قَالَ رَجُلٌ إِنَّ الرَّجُلَ يُحِبُّ أَنْ يَكُونَ ثَوْبُهُ حَسَنًا وَنَعْلُهُ حَسَنَةً. قَالَ : إِنَّ اللَّهَ جَمِيلٌ يُحِبُّ الْجَمَالَ الْكِبْرُ بَطَرُ الْحَقِّ وَغَمْطُ النَّاسِ

Maksudnya: Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Tidak akan masuk syurga orang yang di hatinya ada sebesar zarah perasaan sombong”. Berkata seorang lelaki: ‘Sesungguhnya seseorang itu suka pakaiannya cantik dan kasutnya cantik. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Sesungguhnya Allah itu indah dan sukakan keindahan. Sombong ialah menolak kebenaran dan memandang rendah kepada manusia”.

21 January, 2009

Jumbo Mambo

Posted in Ijlis bina nu'min saah at 2:21 am by ~ibn ismail~

Assalamualaikum wbt…

As usual, it has been ages. But here you go…

1. Save Gaza

I’ve been following the occupation since day one. Now it has been almost three devastating and horrific weeks. Not one, not two, but three!! Many people did what they can and many more people did what they suppose not being doing, which is doing NOTHING~! In Malaysia, there was a rally organized by a responsible organisation to raise the empathy and to show to the world that we do care. People in Gaza are our own muslim brothers and sisters. On the basis of one single solid aqidah~! What else do you need? Let alone for the sake of humanitarian, self defence etc2. In Melbourne also there were three rallies so far. I’m not saying that rally is the only plausible effort that we can do, but it’s more to show that we do care. Are you ready to be there and defend them? Are you? In fact they don’t want us to be there. They want us to support them in any other way that we are capable of. Boycotting and doa are two major weapons that we can use. Pray for them~!

2. Summer salary search

Looking for a job is not easy. Trust me. I’ve tried so many (at least 5) times and so far I missed two already. Still having another 3 chances and that would be the best for me, iA. Despite of having extra pocket money, the reason I want to work is to improve my communication skills, english proficiency, get to know people, build self-confidence, know how it feels to be in a working environment and many more. Now, I’m looking forward to set myself up for the work force life. It sure fun and exhausting, but hey…grow up for once. =P. Btw, I’m blabbering about working as an executive ( in 7/8 months time). Not that I never worked before..see my resume if u don’t believe..=P

3. New kids on the block

The juniors are coming in about a few weeks time. Boy, am I excited or what. It reminds me of each and every year for the past four years. Airport pick-ups, kebab-ing, cc, beaches, bbq, camping, house hunting yada..yada… It’s fun and I’m enjoying all of those each and every moment. Sadly, this year would be the last time and that’s why I’m doing the best I can to contribute. At least I care… and my hope is for them to learn MORE than what a university degree can offer. Start fresh!! if you know what I’m saying…

4. Birthdays

Happy birthday to my dearest mok, abang and Abg Fendi~!!! and guess what? My mum is celebrating her 60th birthday!! Thanx for all the neverending love, sacrifices, hope and trust that you’ve given me so far. To abang, thanx for all your money (lol) and Abg Fendi, thanx for looking after my sis (I really don’t have anything to say..ahaha)

yeah, I know..there are heaps of words…akhirul kalam…pray for our muslim brothers and sisters…

“Tidak beriman seseorang itu sehingga dia mengasihi saudaranya sepertimana dia mengasihi dirinya sendiri”



23 December, 2008

so much…

Posted in Ijlis bina nu'min saah at 11:17 am by ~ibn ismail~

Assalamualaikum wbt…

It has been a month since the last post. intentionally. so much to tell, so much to share yet so much for the time to spare.

anyhow, here are the things that took place in my history of life….

  • finished exam on 24nov – alhamdulillah
  • went camping @Grampians – great as usual – love camping minus toilet
  • summer job hunting
  • U-pick + picnic @Mt Martha
  • eidul adha
  • started cherry picking @Cherryhill – until now
  • results out – alhamdulillahx1001
  • had to move out from current place
  • house hunting
  • found a new place – alhamdulillah
  • in plan: house warming – jemput la ye sape2 yg ada kat melb nih. for those in homecountry, iA thn depan.

and also i would like to wish all fellow friends who are getting married this summer…. “Barakallahu lakuma, wa barak ‘alaikuma wa jam’a bainakuma fil khair, wa razaqakuma zurriyatan tayyibatan tanfa’ul islam wal muslimin”

“Semoga Allah membarakahi kalian dan melimpahkan barakah kepada kalian, dan mengumpulkan kalian dalam kebaikan, serta mengurniakan kalian zuriat yg memberi manfaat kepada islam dan muslimin keseluruhannya”

and also for those who are expecting and already blessed with another mujahid/ah into their life….

Baarokallohulaka fiil mauhuubilaka, wa syakartal waahiba, wa balagho asyuddahu, wa ruziqta birrohu.
Semoga Alloh memberikan keberkahan untuk dirimu atas (karunia) yg diberikan kepadamu. Semoga engkau mensyukuri Yang Maha Memberi hingga sang anak menjadi dewasa dan menjadi anak yang berbakti.


22 November, 2008

nothing much

Posted in Ijlis bina nu'min saah at 6:26 pm by ~ibn ismail~

Mengapa mengharap teman semulia Fatimah Az-Zahra,
Jika diri tak sehebat Saidina Ali,

Tak perlu mencari teman secantik Balqis,
Jika diri tak sehebat Sulaiman,

sekian terima kaseh…~!

**syndrom last paper**

11 November, 2008

Sebab-sebab kematian hati

Posted in Bedah buku, Ijlis bina nu'min saah at 5:41 pm by ~ibn ismail~

Tatkala Ibrahim bin Adham sedang berjalan-jalan di negeri Al Bashrah, dia ditanya oleh penduduk dalam negeri itu. Mereka bertanya,”Ya Ibrahim, mengapa do’a kami tidak diindahkan lagi, padahal bukankah Allah Ta’ala telah berkata dalam firmannya : Apabila hamba-hambaKu bertanya kepadamu tentang Aku, maka (jawablah), bahwasanya Aku dekat. Aku mengabulkan permohonan orang yang berdo’a apabila ia berdo’a kepadaKu..” [Al-Baqarah:186]

Ibrahim pun menjawab pertanyaan mereka. Katanya, Wahai penduduk kota Al-Bashrah hal itu disebabkan karena kalbu kalian mati oleh 10 hal. Jika demikian bagaimana mungkin Allah Ta’ala akan menyambut do’a kalian?
Penduduk negeri Al-Bashrah berpikir sejenak untuk mencari tahu mengenai sepuluh hal tersebut, tetapi mereka belum juga menemukan jawabannya. Maka mereka kembali bertanya kembali kepada Ibrahim, “Ya Ibrahim, apakah sepuluh hal yang menghambat do’a kami karena matinya kalbu ini?”

Kesepuluh hal yang menghambat do’a kalian adalah :

1. Kalian telah mengenal Allah, tetapi tidak menunaikan hak – hak-Nya

2. Kalian telah membaca Al-Qur’an tetapi tidak mengamalkan isinya

3. Kalian mengaku cinta kepada Rasulullah tetapi meninggalkan sunnahnya

4. Kalian mengaku benci kepada Syaitan akan tetapi menuruti ajakannya

5. Kalian mengaku ingin masuk surga akan tetapi tidak pernah memenuhi

6. Kalian mengaku ingin selamat dari api neraka tetapi kalian menjerumuskan
diri kedalamnya.

7. Kalian meyakini bahwa kematian itu suatu kepastian, akan tetapi kalian
tidak pernah mempersiapkan diri menghadapinya.

8. Kalian sibuk mengurusi keburukan orang, akan tetapi kalian mengabaikan
keburukan diri sendiri.

9. Kalian setiap waktu mengubur orang mati akan tetapi setiap kali itu pula
kalian tidak pernah merenunginya.

10.Kalian telah menikmati nikmat Allah, akan tetapi tidak pernah mensyukurinya.

Penduduk Bashrah merenungi jawaban Ibrahim itu, sambil senantiasa meminta petunjuk dan hidayah kepada Allah, minta dihidupkan dan dibersihkan kalbu mereka dari noda dan dosa yang selama ini ada.

Petikan dari Kitab Tazkiyah

karangan Cahyadi Takariawan & Ghazali Mukri

7 November, 2008


Posted in Ijlis bina nu'min saah at 5:02 pm by ~ibn ismail~

Assalamualaikum wbt…

Melbourne disimbah dgn hujan rahmat Ilahi buat kesekian kalinya.

Sejuk, tenang, pelangi…indah..

Hujan sebagai rahmat

“Maka nikmat Tuhan manakah yg kamu dustakan???” [Ar-rahman:13]

6 November, 2008

Ujian dalam ujian

Posted in Ijlis bina nu'min saah at 9:47 am by ~ibn ismail~

Assalamualaikum wbt…

I found it hard to focus towards my exam in 11 days time. i’ve got my brand new Dell XPS M1330 yesterday. yeah, rite….bende baru..godak sane, godak sini….cammek sane, cammek sini (org trg tahu kot).

to qoute from a close friend, Akh A “Nih semua ujian nih, Allah nak tgk mcmane enta handle”…=)

Jazakallahu khair atas nasihat. In fact, it is an ujian~! after a day spending time with my precious laptop, then i got a bit bored. everything has been installed. everything has been set up. so, what else? study ler~!

yeap, this morning i headed to the gym and now reading some news on Obama. also to top it up, in palestinekini, it says “Hamas: Tiada perbezaan antara Obama dan McCain“. Sejauh mana kita kaitkan dunia umat islam kita dgn dunia kuasa2 besar? Any thoughts?

Ok, keep on broadening ur knowledge in global issues..no more time for cartoons or games…=P


3 November, 2008

Ukhuwwah itu manis…

Posted in Ijlis bina nu'min saah at 10:02 pm by ~ibn ismail~

Assalamualaikum wbt…

I had myself totally upside down when i woke up for the solat fajr. Came back from uni last night at about 3 in the morning, i was soaking wet. It was a heavy pour and i had to take a shower before lying for a power nap. it was a major headache~!

can’t help myself, so i did take another ‘power nap’ after fajr. amal woke me up at about 830am because somebody was at the intercom calling for me…and guess what? the brand new vx nano logitech mouse has arrived. i took a hoodie, put it on and straight to the elevator. had a nice short chat with chris the great guy and also the bloke from the postshop.

it was 9 in the morning and I still didn’t finish with my 6000 words essay~! rushing to the laptop and start rephrasing all the sentences in the neural network handbooks…hehe (it is my expertise indeed)…while busy making up sentences, i’ve got a call from my dearest brother in islam. He came down to melb to visit his newly-wed wife. met him last two days and it was the third time since we knew each other for about 3 years now.

jugling between finishing my report and having a conversation with somebody that i  look forward to, is kind a tough job. i wasn’t really know what i was typing and also i didn’t even comprehend what my dearest brother was saying.

but, suddenly i heard he asked me whether i am available. he asked me to show him around the city and buy some souveniers for his mom.

i was caught in the middle~!

a bit regretful because i didn’t finish the assgnmt earlier (but, that’s the best i can do after all)….so, without any hesitation, i said “jom, datanglah…nnt ana bawak enta jalan2 rumah ikhwah”. period. i just want to appreciate him and our ukhuwah.

so, i focused on my assgnmt in an hour. on the dot, he arrived in city and i was really thankful to Allah swt for giving me the chance to be with somebody that i only met for the 4th time in 3 years of friendship. ukhuwwah islamiyah itu amat suci, raikannya…..and the day went smooth sailing up until this moment 10pm (just about after praying isyak)…..Alhamdulillah…=)

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